154 Part9:Lyrics,chordsandscore
Songs with an associated TXT le
You can use any text editor on a personal computer to write lyrics and chords
in a text le. The resulting TXT le can then be associated to the MIDI or MP3
le, and be read onscreen.
The text le must be in TXT format, with lines separated by CR and LF com-
mands (as in Windows® NotePad). The text le must have the same name of
the MIDI or MP3 le it is associated to. For example, if the name of the Song
le is “Mylove.mid”, the associated text le must be “Mylove.txt”.
Please note that scrolling of associated text les is not automatic. To scroll this
type of lyrics, you must use the vertical scrollbar on the display, or assign to a
footswitch or a programmable switch the “Text Page Down” command. (See
below for more information.)
Songs in the MIDI+G and MP3+G format
If you select a MIDI+G or MP3+G Song le, you will be able to see lyrics and
chords as a graphic page.
After pressing the LYRICS/SCORE button, the MIDI/MP3+G page will be
automatically selected. The text will automatically scroll while the Song is