Connectingandsettingthepedals 35

Connecting and setting the pedals

You can connect two pedals to the MP-10 PRO: a Damper pedal (to be used
to sustain Sounds such as a Grand Piano), and an Assignable pedal (either an
expression-type pedal or a footswitch pedal, that you can freely program).
Connecting an expression pedal/footswitch
The ASSIGN connector allows for either an expression-type pedal or a foot-
switch to be connected.
A footswitch is used to send control functions, and remotely control the MP-
10 PRO without having to raise your hands from the keyboard (or any other
instrument that you’re playing).
An expression pedal is used to control either the master volume, or the key-
board volume.
Connect the pedal or footswitch to the ASSIGN pedal connector, then assign
it a function. If it is the rst time you connect it, you should also calibrate it.
Assigning a function to the pedal/footswitch
You can assign a function to the pedal/footswitch.
1. Press the GLOBAL button to access the Global Menu.