60 Part4:ThePlayers

Mixing two Songs, DJ-style

While in Manual play mode, you can mix two Songs just like a DJ. This can
be used for two purposes:
‘parking’ a Song in one of the players, ready to ‘kick in’, while the other
is still playing.
mixing between two different Songs, as in a DJ performance.
Selecting and playing back two Songs
Here is how to select and play the two Songs.
1. Touch Player 1 (orange) area, and select a Song to assign it.
2. Press Player 1’s PLAY/PAUSE button to start the rst Song.
3. While a Song is playing in Player 1, touch the Player 2 (blue) area, and
select a Song to assign to it.
4. Press the TO PLAYER 1 ( ) button next to the CROSSFADER, to
move it completely toward Player 1. This will set the rst Song to the
maximum volume, while muting the second Song.
5. Press Player 2’s PLAY/PAUSE button to start the second Song.
6. Mix the two Songs, as described in the following sections.
Mixing two Songs by using the motorized crossfader
One of the uses of the two onboard players, is mixing two Songs like a DJ. Use
the motorized CROSSFADER and the associated controls to do your mixing.
Drag the CROSSFADER to manually mix between two Songs. When
moving it toward the left you’ll hear Player 1 more, toward the right you’ll
mostly hear Player 2; in the middle, both Players will have the same rela-
tive volume.
Press the TO PLAYER 1 ( ) button on the left of the crossfader to
quickly switch to Player 1.