58 Part4:ThePlayers

NoStop play mode: Playing a list of Songs, one

after the other

If you prefer to be totally free from having to manually start Songs, you can
decide to have your MP-10 PRO load all the Songs in a playlist, and let them
play back automatically. This way, there will be continuity in the show, and
you will be free to sing, play or entertain the audience. This is also a great way
of leaving some background music playing during a break or dinner hour, etc.
The NoStop play mode is very similar to the AutoLoad play mode seen above,
but this time Songs will be automatically selected and played back.
1. Select the playlist to be played back (as seen
2. Switch to the NoStop play mode. The cor-
responding icon ( ) should appear in the
lower left area of the display. If it doesn’t, repeatedly touch the Play Mode
icon to make the NoStop play mode icon appear.
As soon as you select the NoStop play mode, the rst two Songs of the
playlist are automatically assigned to the two players (the rst one to
Player 1, and the second one to Player 2).
When you change to the NoStop mode, Player 1 (orange) is automatically
highlighted, to indicate this will be the next Song to play.
Note that the demo playlist
we prepared for you should
be already selected in a
new MP-10 PRO.