MixingtwoSongs,DJ-style 61
Press the TO PLAYER 2 ( ) button on the right of the crossfader to
quickly switch to Player 2.
Press the TO SELECTED ( ) button on the center of the crossfader to
quickly set the volume of both players to the same level.
Adjusting the crossfading time
You can adjust the speed at which the motorized crossfader moves from one
player to the other, when a Song begins to play, or when you press the TO
PLAYER 1 ( ) or the TO PLAYER 2 ( ) button. The tempo can vary
between 0 (immediate) and 10 seconds (very slow).
1. Press the GLOBAL button to access the Global Menu.
2. Touch the GENERAL Settings button to access the General Settings section.
3. Touch the PLAYER SET button to access the Player Set page.
4. Adjust the fading time using the DIAL or the UP/DOWN buttons.
5. Touch the SAVE command to save the new settings in the Global preferences.
6. Press the EXIT button to return to the main screen.