Selecting wallpaper
Note: Wallpaper is not available on all K490 Series phones. It is available only on phones with a color screen display.
Wallpaper appears on the home screen when the phone is not in use.
1.Select Menu → Settings → Display → Wallpaper.
2.Highlight a wallpaper design and press to select it. Press
again to assign your selection.
3.Press to return to the home screen and view the wallpaper you chose.
Selecting a color theme
You can select a color theme to display on your phone. This feature is available only on phones with a color screen display.
1.Select Menu → Settings → Display → Color Themes.
2.Highlight a color theme from the list and press .
3.Press to return to the home screen.
User Guide for the Kyocera K490 phone | 71 |