Phone Overview
Get to Know Your Phone
The phone is shown here in the open position. |
| ||
1. | Earpiece speaker. | 1 | |
2. | Main screen. | ||
| |||
3. | Left option button selects items that appear on the lower |
| |
| left of the display. At the main screen, you can select |
| |
| Menu. | 2 |
4.Navigation key scrolls through lists and text entry fields and accesses the following shortcuts from the main screen.
| – Scroll left to launch Downloads. | 3 |
| – Scroll right to go to Messaging. |
| |
| |
| – Scroll up to launch My Account. |
| – Scroll down to go to Recent Calls. | 4 |
5. | Speakerphone key activates the speakerphone and |
| |
| 5 |
| OK |
| ||
| answers incoming calls. | 6 |
| ||
6. | Send key starts or answers a call. Press once to display the |
| |
| 1. , |
| 2 ABC | 3 DEF | ||||
| recent calls list or twice to redial the last number dialed. | 7 |
| 4 GHI | 5 JKL | 6 MNO | ||
| Press and hold to activate voice commands. |
| 7PQRS | 8 TUV | 9WXYZ | ||
7. | Keypad for entering numbers, letters, or symbols. | 8 |
| *SHIFT | 0NEXT | #SPACE | ||
8. * Shift key changes the text mode in text entry.
9.Right option button selects items that appear on the lower
right of the display. At the main screen, you can select Contacts.
10.OK key selects a menu item or option. At the main screen, you go to the main menu when you press the OK key.
11.Back key erases characters in text entry and returns you to the previous screen when navigating through menus.
12.End key turns the phone on and off, ends a call or browser session, and returns you to the main screen.
13.# Space key enters a space during text entry. Press and hold to activate or deactivate vibrate mode.
14.0 Next key cycles through word choices during text entry.
12 | Phone Overview |