13.MAX 24 hour rainfall (optional) with the date and time of recording
The 24h rainfall value is counted from this time and date
24h rainfall
24 hour amount rainfall icon
To reset the aforementioned maximum or minimum weather data 1 to 13, you will need to reset each of the data independently.
1.Press MIN/MAX key to show the desired weather data. For instance, if you want to reset the minimum humidity, in the normal display you shall press the MIN/MAX key three times to show the min humidity value.
2.Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds, then the "RESET" icon will appear at the bottom part of the LCD.
3.Press the + key once, then the stored value will be reset to the current value and current time.
4.Press the HISTORY key to return to normal display mode.
Total rainfall amount (optional) with the date and time of recording
The total rainfall measurement is displayed in the last section of the LCD, in the unit of mm or inch. It shows the total rainfall accumulated since last reset of the weather station.
In normal display mode, press the MIN/MAX key fourteen times to show the total rainfall value. The "RESET" icon will also be shown at the same time.
The total rainfall value is
counted from this time and date
Total rainfall icon
Total rainfall amount
To reset the rainfall reading:
-Press the + key once when the Rainfall value and Reset icon are shown.
-Then the total rainfall amount will be reset to 0, and the time updated to current time.
After power up, the time and date and total rainfall are displayed as "- -
The low battery indicator of the weather station and the transmitter will be displayed in the second section, and the low battery icon for the rain sensor (optional) will be shown on the last section of the LCD respectively when the battery power is low. It is recommended to replace the batteries in all units on an annual basis to ensure optimum accuracy of the system.
∙After battery change, both the Weather Station and the transmitters need to be reset (see note ”Setting up”)
∙The History data record will be clear after the battery change.