Get Ready

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Setup Application
The setup application helps you set up various
options and applications, including setting up
your Google™ account.*

Complete the Setup Application

1. When you see the Welcome screen, tap the
android icon to begin.
Set up your Google Account – Create or sign
in to your Google account.
Use Google location – Tap the check marks to
select your Google location options.
Backup and restore – Choose whether or not
to back up data with your Google account.
2. Tap Finish setup. You will see a Welcome to
your Sprint device screen.
3. Follow the onscreen prompts to learn about
your Home screen. (See "Your Home Screen"
on pages 6 - 7.)
*You do not need to sign up for a Google
account to use your device; however, to
download applications from Android Market, you
must link your device to a Google account.

Switch to Spanish Menu (optional)

1. Press > and tap Settings >
Language & keyboard.
2. Tap Select language > Español.