Read the Current STB Channel

Configuration Options via Command Line (Cont.)

Read the Current STB Channel

At the [Satellite (#)] Command > prompt, type getch and press Enter to display the currently selected satellite STB channel number, for example:

Card 1: Current STB channel is 200

If you receive an error message, it may be necessary to reset the satellite STB either using the “Reset Satellite STB” command described on page 45 or using the RESET button on the STB front panel.

Set the STB Channel

1.At the [Satellite (#)] Command > prompt, type setch and press Enter to retune the satellite STB.

2.At the Enter channel number > prompt, type the desired channel number (1 – 9999) and press Enter.

Note: Since low channel numbers may be assigned to both SD and HD channels, if this is an HD channel and is also mapped to an unambiguous higher channel number, it is recommended that you type the higher number here.

3. At the prompt for confirmation: Set channel number to xxx (y/n)?, either:

Type y and press Enter to confirm the setting.

Type n and press Enter to return to the [Satellite (#)] Command > prompt without setting a new channel.

Once you confirm the channel number setting, the system will display confirmation, for example:

Card 1: Changing STB channel to xxx ... OK

Read the Satellite Signal Strength

At the [Satellite (#)] Command > prompt, type sglvl and press Enter to display the satellite signal strength (displayed as a percentage) at the Satellite In jack on the satellite STB, for example:

Card 1: Satellite signal strength is 52%

Read the Satellite Lock Status

At the [Satellite (#)] Command > prompt, type lksts and press Enter to determine whether or not the satellite STB is locked to the satellite, for example:

Card 1: Satellite signal is locked



Page 44
Image 44
LG Electronics HCS6320 Card 1 Current STB channel is, Card 1 Changing STB channel to xxx ... OK, Set the STB Channel