FM Radio | 101 |
Searching for stations | 101 |
LG Tag+ | 103 |
Media Home | 103 |
LG SmartWorld | 105 |
How to Get to LG SmartWorld from Your |
Phone | 105 |
How to use LG SmartWorld | 106 |
Utilities | 107 |
Setting your alarm | 107 |
Using your calculator | 107 |
Adding an event to your calendar | 108 |
Polaris Offi ce | 109 |
Backup | 110 |
Back up your smart phone data | 111 |
Scheduling automatic backups | 111 |
Restoring smart phone data | 112 |
The web | 115 |
Internet | 115 |
Using the web toolbar | 115 |
Using options | 116 |
Settings | 117 |
DEVICE | 120 |