Voicemail | Menu 2.5 |
This menu provides you with a quick way of accessing your voice mailbox (if provided by your network).
Another shortcut is available. To quickly check your voicemail when in Standby mode, press
and hold the
Please check with your network service provider for details of their service in order to configure the handset accordingly.
Message Settings | Menu 2.6 |
To access and configure your Message Settings, go to Menu > Messaging > Message Settings.
Message Alert (Menu 2.6.1)
Allows you to set the Sounds and Alert Type.
Save To (Menu 2.6.2)
Allows you to choose whether to save to the SIM Card or the Phone.
Signature (Menu 2.6.3)
This feature allows you to create your Text signature. You can use symbols, templates and contacts as part of the signature.
Text Message (Menu 2.6.4)
Allows you to set preferences for when you create a new outgoing message.