My Stuff
Audio | Menu *.1 |
] Shop Tones: This menu option connects to AT&T’s ringtone download site.
] Ringback Tones: This menu option shows the list of the sites which is related with AT&T’s answer tone.
] Record Voice: You can record your own audio by pressing the center [Record] key.
] Saved audio files are displayed in the list.
Games | Menu *.2 |
The JAR file is a compressed format of the Java program and the JAD file is a description file that includes all detailed information. From the network, prior to download, you can view all detailed file descriptions from the JAD file.
Only J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) based programs will run on a phone.
J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) based programs will only run on a PC.
] Shop Games: This menu option connects to AT&T’s game download site.
You download games from the list that appears.
Picture | Menu *.3 |
] Shop Wallpapers: Connects to AT&T’s wallpapers download site.
] Take Picture: Takes you to the camera function, from where you can take pictures.
] Make Animated GIF: Allows you to create an animated GIF file with the images in your phone.
] The picture files saved on your phone and memory card (if inserted) are displayed.