Table 5 | Alarm Messages (continued) |
| |
| |
Alarm Message | Meaning | Corrective Action | |
| |
Charger Battery Voltage High | The DC voltage of the battery | Make sure battery breaker is closed. | |
| charger is outside the specified limits | Contact Liebert Global Services if |
Charger Battery Voltage Low | and the charger has been turned off. | this condition persists for more than | |
| The charger will automatically restart | 15 minutes. |
| when the DC bus voltage returns to |
| within tolerance. |
| |
Charger Fuse Blown | The battery circuit breaker is open or | Check the battery circuit breaker. If | |
| the battery charger fuse has been | the breaker is open, try to reset. If the |
| blown. The charger is no longer | breaker will not reset or is not open, |
| charging the batteries. | Contact Liebert Global Services. |
| |
Charger Hardware Shutdown | Malfunction in the battery charger | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| section. If this condition persists |
| without service, the batteries can be |
| discharged. |
| |
Dial Out Attempt Failed | If the unit is equipped with an internal | Check the phone number | |
| modem, it attempted to dial out due | programmed into the modem. Check |
| to an event or command on the | the receiving modem. Check the |
| modem connected to the UPS. The | modem operation. |
| attempt was unsuccessful after 3 |
| tries. |
| |
Excessive Retransfers | Several automatic retransfer | Check other messages for inverter | |
Attempted |
| attempts (20 attempts during 15 | failure. Determine cause of the |
| minutes or less) have been made to | overload and reduce the load. If the |
| retransfer the load from bypass (if | problem cannot be corrected, call |
| available) back to the UPS. The UPS | Liebert Global Services. |
| has not been able to consistently |
| sustain the load, because of an |
| overload condition or an inverter |
| failure. The load will remain on |
| bypass. |
| |
Emergency off. Recycle input | The UPS has been shut down from | Perform a UPS | |
to restart. |
| an external contact (REPO) or the | when the conditions causing the |
| front panel EPO switch. | external shutdown have been |
| corrected. See 3.2.3 - Manual |
| Restart after Low Battery |
| Shutdown. |
| |
Fault Transferred to Bypass | The unit transferred to bypass due to | Review other alarms. Remove | |
| a fault or overload in the system. This | |
| alarm accompanies the other alarms | (e.g., reduce overload). Call Liebert |
| that caused the fault. | Global Services if fault cannot be |
| cleared. |
| |
Ground Fault detected | There is a ground fault in the battery | Contact Liebert Global Services | |
on DC bus. |
| cabinet or battery wiring. | immediately. |
| |
Input Voltage | The line to line voltage of the input | If this condition persists the battery | |
Tolerance |
| power is outside the acceptable | will eventually completely discharge. |
| range. In this situation, if the voltage | Check your electrical wiring. Check |
| is low the battery will supply power to | with your utility. |
| the critical load through the UPS. |
| |
Inverter Fuse Blown | The inverter fuse has opened | Contact Liebert Global Services | |
| indicating a failure in the inverter | immediately. |
| section of the UPS. The unit will |
| transfer the load to Bypass. |
| |
Inverter Neutral SCR Open | On units equipped with the isolated | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| neutral option, the SCR has failed. |
| |
Inverter Startup Overvolt | The inverter bus is too high during | Contact Liebert Global Services. | |
| the |
| the PFC. |
Operation 53