This section lists the Lifecycle Upright Bike’s pre-programmed workouts. For more detailed informa- tion, see Section 4.2, titled Using the Workouts.

QUICK START is the fastest way to begin exercising, and it bypasses the steps involved in selecting a specific workout program. After the QUICK START key is pressed, a constant-level workout begins. The intensity level does not change automatically.

MANUAL is a workout in which the intensity level does not change automatically.

FAT BURN is a low-intensity workout for burning the body’s fat reserves. The user must wear

a Polar heart rate chest strap, or grasp the Lifepulse system sensors continuously. The workout pro- gram automatically adjusts the intensity level, based on the actual heart rate, to maintain the rate at

65percent of the theoretical maximum.

HILL is an interval-training workout combining “hills” and “valleys” of different intensity levels, which is proven to provide effective, time-efficient cardiovascular results.

RANDOM is an interval training workout of constantly changing intensity levels that occur in no regu- lar pattern or progression.

CARDIO is a higher intensity workout for more fit users, emphasizing cardiovascular benefits and maxi- mum fat burning. The user must wear a Polar heart rate chest strap, or grasp the Lifepulse system sensors continuously. The workout program automatically adjusts the intensity level, based on the actual heart rate, to maintain the rate at 80 percent of the theoretical maximum.

ZONE TRAINING are workouts that target specific ranges, or zones, for maintaining a heart rate to achieve maximum exercise results. Zone Training workouts include:

HEART RATE HILL takes the user through three different hills based on the target heart rate*. The user must grasp the Lifepulse system sensors continuously or wear a Polar heart rate chest strap.

HEART RATE INTERVAL alternates between a hill and a valley based on the target heart rate*. The user must grasp the Lifepulse system sensors continuously or wear a Polar heart rate chest strap.

EXTREME HEART RATE is an intense workout for more experienced users. It is designed to get the heart rate up and down as quickly as possible. The user must grasp the Lifepulse system sensors continuously or wear a Polar heart rate chest strap.

Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as equal to 220 minus an individual’s age.

*Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old user's THR for the HEART RATE HILL workout is 144. This workout targets 80 percent of the maximum, so the equation would be (220-40)*.80=144.


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Life Fitness 95CE operation manual Workouts, Workout Overviews