Quick Reference: Basic Workouts Console

Quick Reference: Basic Workouts Console
Read the entire user manual before
setting up your equipment.
1Level Display – Shows the
difficulty level or
incline percentage
(for treadmills).
2Time Display – During a
workout the time display
will show time remaining
and countdown.
3Speed Display – Speed is
displayed in miles per hour.
Speed can be converted to
kilometers per hour in the
settings menu. See
settings section.
4Setup Steps Icon (1,2,3,4,5)
Number refers to the
setup step you are
currently programming (not
in image).
5Workout Profile Display –
The height of the segments
indicate the difficulty level
during the current time interval.
6Distance Display – Distance is
shown in miles. Distance can
be converted to kilometers in
the settings menu. See user
settings section.
7Heart Rate Display –
Calculates user’s heart rate in
beats per minute when
wearing a chest strap or
holding on to contact heart
rate electrodes (No Heart Rate
will be displayed on an Xl).
8Target Heart Rate Display –
Calculates the user’s
maximumheart rate based
on 220 minus the user’sage.
Then based on the selected
program shows the target
heart rate.


