The tables below list fit test results.
Men Estimated VO2 Max (ml O2/kg/min) Per Age Category
Rating 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Elite 55+ 52+ 51+ 47+ 43+
Excellent 53-54 50-51 49-50 45-46 41-42
Very Good 50-52 48-49 46-48 43-44 39-40
Above Average 45-49 43-47 42-45 39-42 35-38
Average 40-44 38-42 37-41 34-38 31-34
Below Average 38-39 36-37 34-36 32-33 29-30
Low 35-37 34-35 31-33 29-31 26-28
Very Low <35 <34 <32 <29 <26
Women Estimated VO2 Max (ml O2/kg/min) Per Age Category
Rating 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Elite 47+ 44+ 42+ 37+ 35+
Excellent 45-46 42-43 40-41 35-36 33-34
Very Good 43-44 40-41 38-39 33-34 31-32
Above Average 38-42 36-39 34-37 30-32 27-30
Average 33-37 31-35 30-33 26-29 24-26
Below Average 31-32 29-30 28-29 24-25 22-23
Low 28-30 27-28 25-27 22-23 20-21
Very Low <28 <27 <25 <22 <20
Life Fitness developed this rating scale based on VO2 max percentile distributions referenced in American College of
Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription"(7th Ed. 2006) which were obtained from the data
collected by the Cooper Institute Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, 1970-2002. It is designed to provide a qualitative
description of a user’s VO2 max estimation; and a means of guiding assessment and tracking improvement.