Wireless-G Exterior Access Point
The Administration - Management Tab
On this screen you can configure the password, Web Access, and SNMP settings.
AP Password
You should change the username/password that controls access to the Access Point’s
Local AP Password
User Name. Modify the administrator username. The default is admin.
AP Password. Modify the administrator password for the Access Point’s
Web Access
To increase the security on accessing
Web HTTPS Access. Use secured HTTP session to access Web based Utility. The default is Disabled. Wireless Web Access. Allow or deny wireless clients to access Web based Utility. The default is Enabled.
SNMP is a popular network monitoring and management protocol. It provides network administrators with the ability to monitor the status of the Access Point and receive notification of any critical events as they occur on the Access Point.
To enable the SNMP support feature, select Enabled. Otherwise, select Disabled. The default is Disabled.
Contact. Enter the name of the contact person, such as a network administrator, for the Access Point.
Chapter 6: Configuring the
Figure 6-19: Administration - Management
The Administration - Management Tab