matically disappear from the screen or press the CLR key to erase it.
2D ZOOM - Manual Mode
The zoom feature works the same in manual as it does in automatic with two exceptions. One, since the unit is in manual, the unit won’t change the range to keep the bottom signal on the display. Two, you can adjust the zoom “window” to any desired depth.
To zoom the screen in the manual mode, first press the ZOOM key. A screen similar to the one on the previous page appears. You’ll notice a new label on the screen: “ADJUST”. Press the key next to that label. A screen similar to the one at right appears.
The unit is now in the split- screen zoom mode. A zoom bar is on the far right side of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to move this bar up and down the right side of the screen. Everything be- tween the top and bottom of this bar shows on the left side of the screen in either 2X or
4X scale. When you have the zoom bar in the desired loca-
tion, press the CLR key to erase it or wait a few seconds and it will auto- matically disappear.
You can have the zoom bar stay on the screen continuously, by using the zoom bar menu. See the 2D Options in the MENUS section for more information.
To use the Bottom Depth View, first press the WINDOWS key. Now press the key next to the "384 Bottom" or "192 Bottom", depending on the trans- ducer you wish to use or have installed. Finally, press the CLR key. A screen similar to the one at the top of the next page appears.
This view shows the water depth in large digital numbers at the top left corner of the screen. If an optional speed/temperature sensor is installed, the unit can also show boat speed, distance travelled (log), surface water temperature, and a surface water temperature graph in this area.
Next to the digital display box is the chart record. This shows depth infor-