The Pitch Controller is used to force the input to an exact pitch. Trigger the desired note(s) by selecting keys on the keyboard image or by using a MIDI input controller. As long as a key is selected or held/triggered from an external controller, the chosen note
will adjust the input pitch. Only when you release the note will the input return to its original pitch. An external MIDI controller can also be used to gain immediate access to multiple octaves.
Note: If you are using a MIDI tempo map or tracking with timecode you can easily program (record) a note value into a MIDI sequencer at a precise loca- tion. In this way it is possible to correct a particular problem where the performance might otherwise be fine - using as little processing as possible.
Scale DetuneThe Detune parameter allows you to change the pitch standard of
The Detune function can be used to tune a vocal performance to some irreparably
440Hz standard. If you have a | Scale | Change |
Detune | Meter |
tone that you want to use as the
pitch standard, select that tone and play it in a loop. Adjust Scale Detune until the Change meter reads zero. (You may be required to use the Edit Scale dialog to remove adjacent tones so that
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