24 Tone: Also know as the quarter-tone scale, this scale is used for variety but has no advantage in terms of ratios that better approximate pure intervals.

31 Tone: In addition to intervals that better approximate pure intervals, this scale also contains good approximations to Indonesian pelog and slendro scales.

53 Tone: Related mathematically to the cycle of fifths, the 53-tone scale has very pure major and minor thirds, and fifths and fourths.

Partch: Harry Partch is considered the father of modern microtonality. This scale was devised by him and used in instrument building and performances.

Carlos Alpha: Wendy Carlos performed extensive computer analysis to devise a number of equal-tempered scales with good approximations for the primary harmonic intervals and their inversions. This scale is good at approximating the primary intervals including 7/4. This scale divides the octave into 15.385 steps, forming intervals of 78.0 cents.

Carlos Beta: This scale divides the octave into 18.809 steps, forming intervals of 63.8 cents.

Carlos Gamma: This scale achieves perfect purity of the primary intervals 3/2, 4/3 and 5/4. This scale divides the octave into 34.188 steps, forming intervals of 35.1 cents.

Harmonic (chromatic): This twelve-tone scale is created in the partials in the fifth octave of the harmonic series. The scale degrees that correspond to the classic Just intervals are the major second, major third, perfect fifth, and major seventh.


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