Cleaning/changing the air filter
-Pull out the choke, in order to prevent any dirt particles that may have fallen in from getting into the carburetor.
-Unscrew the
-Carefullypull the paper cartridge with foam prefilter (A/3) up and off.
-Clean the
Cover the intake opening with a clean cloth to prevent dirt particles from getting into the intake manifold.
-Remove the foam prefilter (B/6) from the paper cartridge (B/7).
Foam prefilter and inner filter
Do not use fuel to clean the foam prefilter and inner filter
-If the foam prefilter(W6) and innerfilter (N4)aredirty, wash them with dishwashing liquid in lukewarm water.
Underverydustyconditions itwill be necessarytoclean the foam prefilterseveral timesdaily. If this is not
The papercartridge(B/7)filterstheintakeairthroughaveryfine paper filter laminate system. For this reason it must never be washed.
Replacethe cartridge periodically,and especially in case of poor performance, reduced engine speed, or smoky exhaust.
-Before reassembling the filter system, check the intake opening for dirt particles, and remove any found.
If the air filter becomes damaged, replace immediately!
Pieces of cloth or large dirt particles can destroy the engine!
Replacingthe spark plug
Do not touch the spark plug or plug cap if the engine is running (high voltage).
Switch off the engine before starting any maintenance work.
Ahot engine can cause burns. Wear protective gloves!
The spark plug must be replaced in case of damage to the insulator, electrode erosion (burn) or if the electrodes are very dirty or oily.
-Pull the plug cap (C/8) off the spark plug. Use only the combination wrench supplied with the saw to remove the spark plug.
Electrode gap
The electrode gap must be ,020" (0.5 mm).
Checking the ignition spark
-Unscrew the
-Carefully pull the paper cartridge with foam prefilter (D/3) up and off.
-ON/OFF switch in the "I"(ON) position.
-Using insulated pliers, pressthe sparkplug with the plug cap firmlyattachedagainstthescrewon thecover (not inthearea around the
-Pull the starter cable hard.
If the function is correct, an ignition spark must be visible near the electrodes.
CAUTION: Use only BOSCH WSR 6F spark plug.