MAKITA diamond cutting discs meet the highest demands in working safety, ease of operation, and economical cutting per-
formance. They can be used for cutting all materials except metal.
The high durability of the diamond grains ensures low wear and thereby a very long service life with almost no change in disc
diameter over the lifetime of the disc. This gives consistent cutting performance and thus high economy. The outstanding cutting qualities of the discs make cutting easier.
The MAKITA guide trolley makes it much easier to do straight cuts, while simultaneously enabling almost untiring working. It can be adjusted for the operator’s height, and can be operated with the cutting attachmentmounted inthe middleor on the side.
See “Accessories” for order number.
For easier refuelling when using the trolley, we recommend adding an angled tank filler neck. See “Accessories” for order number.
A depth limiter can be added for still easier and more accurate cutting. It makes it possibleto maintain a precise predetermined cut depth.
See “Accessories” for order number.
To keep down dust and for better
The metal discplatesgive highlyconcentric runningfor minimal vibration during use.
The use of diamond cutting discs reduces cutting time signifi- cantly.This inturn leadsto lower operatingcosts (fuelconsump- tion, wearon parts, repairs, and last but not least environmental damage).
See “Accessories” for order numbers.
I Guidetrolley
Water tank
The water tank is designed to be mounted on the guide trolley. Its high capacity makes it especially suitable for situations involvingfrequent sitechanges. Forfilling or forfastchangingto reserve tanks, the tank can be simply lifted off the trolley.
The water tank comes with all necessary connections and hoses. Mounting to the trolley and Power Cut are very fast and simple.
See “Accessories” for order number.
Maindpressurewater system
The maindpressure water system is designedto be mountedon the Power Cut. It can be used with or without the trolley, but is especiallysuitablefor
The water system comes with all necessary connections and lines. It can be quickly and easily mounted on the Power Cut.
See “Accessories” for order number.