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7.When the SCAN procedure is finished, the TV Anywhere will show how many TV channels were found. The screen below will be displayed for 4 seconds.
8.After the "Scan complete" screen has disappeared, you can "zap" through the TV channels by pressing the PROG+ and PROG- buttons or by using the numeric keys on the remote control.
☺Because the tuner will also cover weak channels, there is a chance that the list will contain some "empty" channels. If you see any of these channels, you can delete them by pressing the CHANNEL DETELE button on your remote control. If you press this button, the word "DELETED" will be displayed on the screen. 4 seconds later the TV channel will be deleted from the list.
6.1. Re-arranging the TV channels
The TV AnyWhere lets you
1.Move up or down the TV channels using PROG+ and PROG- and look for the TV channel you want to move to position 1 on the list.
2.When you have found the TV channel of your choice, press COPY. The screen now reads "COPIED. READY TO MOVE".
3.Now move to position 1. You can do this by using PROG+ and PROG- or by pressing 1 on your remote control.
4.When you have arrived at position 1, press PASTE. The channel has now been moved from its original position to position 1 on the list. The screens now reads "ADDED TO PROGRAM LIST".
☺The original TV channel on position 1 is automatically moved to position 2, the channel on position 2 is moved to 3, etc. This means that the complete list is automatically being moved down and that no channels are lost.