BG 100


BG 150

BG 200

Alimentazione elettrica - Power supply - Stromanschluß - Alimenta-


230/240 V - 50 Hz


ción eléctrica - Alimentation électrique







Portata d’aria - Air output - Nenn-Lufleistung - Capacidad aire - Débit

7.600 m³


10.000 m³

12.500 m³







Consumo - Comsumption - Brennstoffverbrauch - Consumo - Con-

9,71 kg/h


14,71 kg/h

18,63 kg/h







Combustibile - Fuel - Brennstoff - Combustible - Combustible

Gasolio - Oil - Heizöl - Gasoil - Fuel

Potenza termica max - Max. power - Max. Wärmeleistung - Potencia

115 kW


175 kW

220 kW

térmica máx. - Puissance thermique max.






Rendimento - Efficiency - Wärmeleistung - Rendimiento - Rende-

90,7 %

88,6 %

89,6 %






Temperatura dei fumi - Temperature of smokes - Rauchtemperatur

240 °C



237 °C

- Temperature de los humos - Température des fumées







Potenza elettrica - Fan power consumption - Ventilatormotor Leistuns-

1.780 W


2.340 kW

4.130 kW

aufnahme - Potencia eléctrica del ventilador - Puissance électrique







Potenza elettrica totale* - Total power consumption* - Leistunsaufnah-

2.000 W


3.100 W

4.000 W

me* - Potencia eléctrica total* - Puissance électrique*






Portata dei fumi* - Smokes flow* - Rauchdurchsatz* - Capacidad de

232 Nm³/h


306 Nm³/h

400 Nm³/h

los humos* - Débit des fumées











Pressione statica disponibile - Available static pressure - Verfugbare Stat.

20 mm H2O


20 mm H2O

20 mm H2O

Pressung Max. - Presión estática disponible - Pression statique disponible






Contropressione in camera di combustione* - Burned gases pressure*

1 mbar


1 mbar

1 mbar

- Rauchgaswiderstand* - Contrapresión en cámara de combustión* -


Contre pression fumées*





Tiraggio minimo al camino* - Compulsory flue draft* - Erforderlicher Kamin-

0,1 mbar


0,1 mbar

0,1 mbar

zung* - Tiro mínimo a la chimenea* - Tirage minimum nécessaire*






Diametro uscita fumi - Flue diameter - Abgasrohr Durchmesser -

200 mm


200 mm

200 mm

Diámetro salida humos - Diamètre sortie fumèes






Sezione uscita aria - Air outlet section - Luftauslass querschnitt - Sec-

57x106 cm


59x117 cm

67x143 cm

ción salida aire - Section sortie air






Temperatura avviamento ventilatore - Fan starting temperature - Ven-

35 °C


35 °C

35 °C

tilatorthermostat - Temperatura puesta en marcha ventilador - Tem-


pérature démarrage ventilateur





Temperatura limite di sicurezza - Safety limit temperature setting -

110 °C


85 °C

85 °C

Temperaturwächter - Temperatura límite de seguridad - Température


limite de sécurité





Livello sonoro a 1 m* - Noise level at 1 m* - Geraüschspegel a 1 m*

77 dBA


77 dBA

80 dBA

- Nivel sonoro a 1 m* - Niveau sonore à 1 m*






Dimensioni, L x P x A - Dimensions, L x W x H - Masse, H x B x T - Di-

116x67x183 cm


171x69x183 cm

196x77x213 cm

mensiones, L x P x A - Dimensions, L x P x H






Peso - Weight - Gewicht - Peso - Poids

247 kg


297 kg

389 kg

*= Con bruciatore Ecoflam - Avec bruleur Ecoflam - Mit Ecoflam Brenner - With Ecoflam burner - Con quemador Ecoflam

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Master Lock BG 200, BG 100, BG 150 manual Modello Model Modell Modelo Modele

BG 200, BG 150, BG 100 specifications

Master Lock has long been synonymous with security solutions, and their range of Bluetooth-enabled locks, namely the BG 100, BG 150, and BG 200, showcases the blend of traditional security features with modern technology. Each model in this series is designed to meet varying security needs while providing users with the convenience of keyless entry.

The Master Lock BG 100 is distinguished by its user-friendly design and robust security features. This Bluetooth padlock can be controlled via a smartphone app, allowing users to lock and unlock their padlock from anywhere within Bluetooth range. The BG 100 features a hardened steel shackle for enhanced resistance against cutting and saw attacks and an enclosed shackle to deter pry attacks. A standout feature of the BG 100 is its ability to offer temporary or permanent access to users, making it ideal for shared environments like gyms or storage units.

Next in line, the Master Lock BG 150 offers a more versatile approach to security. This model expands on the features of the BG 100 by incorporating a weatherproof cover that protects the lock from the elements, making it suitable for outdoor use. The BG 150 retains the smart technology that allows remote access through a smartphone app and adds a longer battery life, which translates into less maintenance for the user. Additionally, the lock maintains a robust steel construction while offering customizable alerts via the app for theft attempts or low battery notifications.

Rounding out the series, the Master Lock BG 200 combines heavy-duty security with innovative technology. With a superior weather-resistant design, the BG 200 stands up to harsh weather conditions and maintains its functionality even in extreme environments. The lock also features a unique continuous access mode, allowing users to leave the lock unlocked for a period, ideal for situations where frequent access is necessary. Enhanced with a rechargeable battery, the BG 200 eliminates the worry of expired batteries while ensuring maximum convenience.

In summary, the BG 100, BG 150, and BG 200 from Master Lock offer an innovative blend of robust security and user-friendly features. Whether for home, outdoor, or shared environments, these smart locks provide peace of mind through advanced technology, weatherproof designs, and customizable access options, all packaged in a reliable and durable construction.