45071#Prwru#Flufxlw |
Supplies power to the motor and turns it CW/CCW (Right / Reverse direction).
-The operation of TRIAC1 is the same as that of the driving system.
-If the electric potential of R48 is grounded (0V), TRIAC1 turns on.
-CN1 detects if the door is locked or unlocked. If unlocked, it does not apply power to the motor even if TRIAC1 turns on.
-If the door is unlocked and TRIC turns on, the motor connected to CN4 is supplied with
power and drives CW (right direction).
-Under such conditions, turning RELAY3 on will drive the motor CCW (reverse) as the wiring is switched to CCW.
-Turning RELAY4 on will switch the winding of the motor to one for higher driving.