Never use a Meade® LX200GPS Telescope to look at the Sun! Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible dam- age to your eye. Eye damage is often pain- less, so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is too late. Do not point the telescope or its viewfinder at or near the Sun. Do not look through the tel- escope or its viewfinder as it is moving. Children should always have adult supervi- sion while observing.
Caution: Use care to install batteries in the orientation indicated by illustration in the bat- tery slots of the battery holder. Follow battery manufacturer's precautions. Do not install batteries backwards or mix new and used batteries. Do not mix battery types. If these precautions are not followed, batteries may explode, catch fire, or leak. Improperly installed batteries void your Meade warranty.
If you are anxious to use your telescope for the first time, read the
16" LX200GPS Users: See APPENDIX F, page 61, for features unique to the 16" model.
®The name "Meade" and the Meade logo are trademarks registered with the U.S. Patent Office and in principal coun- tries throughout the world. "LX200GPS" and "Autostar II" are trademarks of Meade Instruments Corporation.
"Easy Align" U.S. patent 6,392,799 and other patents pend- ing.
Intelligent Network Architecture to Facilitate Parallel Task Management U.S. patent 6,304,376
© 2002 Meade Instruments Corporation.
4 | |
Telescope Features | 6 |
Autostar II Features | 9 |
Getting Started | 12 |
Parts Listing | 12 |
How to Attach the Tripod to the Telescope | 12 |
How to Assemble Your Telescope | 13 |
Choosing an Eyepiece | 14 |
Mounting and Adjusting the Viewfinder | 15 |
Observing | 16 |
Observing by Moving the Telescope Manually | 16 |
Terrestrial Observing | 16 |
Observing Using Autostar II's Arrow Keys | 16 |
Focusing the Eyepiece with the Microfocuser | 17 |
Slew Speeds | 17 |
Observe the Moon | 18 |
Astronomical Observing | 18 |
To Track an Object Automatically | 18 |
Moving Through Autostar II’s Menus | 18 |
Automatic Alignment | 18 |
Observe a Star Using Automatic Tracking | 20 |
Go To Saturn | 20 |
Using the Guided Tour | 20 |
Basic Autostar II Operation | 22 |
Autostar II Navigation Exercise | 22 |
Navigating Autostar II | 23 |
Autostar II Menus | 24 |
Menu Tree | 24 |
Objects Menu | 25 |
Event Menu | 26 |
Glossary Menu, Utilities Menu | 27 |
Setup Menu | 28 |
Hot Button Menus | 31 |
Advanced Autostar II Features | 32 |
Adding Observing Sites | 32 |
Creating User Objects | 33 |
Observing Satellites, Landmarks | 34 |
Identify | 35 |
Browse | 36 |
Alternate Alt/Az Alignment Methods | 37 |
Initialize Autostar II (for Alternate Alignments) | 37 |
Easy | 37 |
37 | |
To Set the Home Position Manually | 38 |
38 | |
Periodic Error Correction | 39 |
Photography | 40 |
Optional Accessories | 41 |
Maintenance | 44 |
Specifications | 47 |
Appendix A: Equatorial (Polar) Alignment | 50 |
Appendix B: Latitude Chart | 55 |
Appendix C: How to Create Your Own Guided Tour | 56 |
Appendix D: Training the Drive | 59 |
Appendix E: The Moon Menu | 60 |
Appendix F: 16" LX200GPS Features | 61 |
Appendix G: | 65 |
Basic Astronomy | 66 |