| Functional Details |
At this point you can update FIRSTPORTC or DACs
Figure 30. Channel 1 in totalizing counter mode, inside the window setpoint
Detection setpoint details
Controlling analog, digital, and timer outputs
You can program each setpoint with an
In hysteresis mode, each setpoint has two forced update values. Each update value can drive one DAC, one timer, or the FIRSTPORTC digital output port. In hysteresis mode, the outputs do not change when the input values are inside the window. There is one update value that gets applied when the input values are less than the window and a different update value that gets applied when the input values are greater than the window.
Update on True and False uses two update values. The update values can drive DACs, FIRSTPORTC, or timer outputs.
FIRSTPORTC digital outputs can be updated immediately upon setpoint detection. This is not the case for analog outputs, as these incur another 3 µs delay. This is due to the shifting of the digital data out to the D/A converter which takes 1µs, plus the actual conversion time of the D/A converter, i.e., another 2µs (worst case). Going back to the above example, if the setpoint for analog input Channel 2 required a DAC update it would occur 5µs after the ADC conversion for Channel 2, or 6µs after the start of the scan.
When using setpoints to control any of the DAC outputs, increased latencies may occur if attempting to stream data to DACs or pattern digital output at the same time. The increased latency can be as long as the period of the output scan clock. For these reasons, avoid streaming outputs on any DAC or pattern digital output when using setpoints to control DACs.
FIRSTPORTC, DAC, or timer update latency
Setpoints allow analog outputs, DACs, timers, or FIRSTPORTC digital outputs to update very quickly. Exactly how fast an output can update is determined by these factors:
scan rate
synchronous sampling mode
type of output to be updated