Red Knob: Adjusts the boost and cut of the parametric EQ point; clockwise for gain and
counterclockwise for attenuation; the value is shown in the “g=X.XdB” field on the top
NOTE: Press and hold the knobs to make coarser adjustments (wider frequency
intervals, bandwidth by 0.1, gain by 1 dB), and just turn the knob for finer adjust-
TIP: By pushing any channel select button, input or output, the display goes to
the Processing page for that channel. When in one of the Edit windows (Paramet-
ric or TruShaping, High/Low Pass for Outputs), the screen goes directly to the Edit win-
dow and EQ display for that channel.
NOTE: To bypass the parametric EQ section in a channel when in the graph or
numeric page, press Menu+Enter.
Cursor zoom places a cursor on the EQ page and allows the expansion of the curve in both
the horizontal and vertical scales, from +/–18 dB to +/–1 dB, and from 20 Hz to 20 kHz to
increments of only a few Hz in the LF to a few hundred Hz in the HF. Select Mode > Cursor
when in an EQ graph (Input or Output Processing, in Parametric or TruShaping or Low/High
Pass) by pressing the Up arrow, highlighting Mode, pressing the Down arrow to open the sub-
menu, using the Up and Down arrows to highlight Cursor, and pressing the Enter button.
Turning the Blue knob will scroll through the EQ curve and the values at the cursor point will
be shown at the top of the screen. Pushing the Blue knob and turning clockwise will zoom the
curve horizontally. Turning the Red knob will scroll the EQ curve vertically in either direction
from the default centered position, and pushing it while turning will zoom the vertical scale.
Turning the Green knob will simultaneously zoom the horizontal and vertical scales, while
pressing it will reset the graph to the default view.