INPUT AND OUTPUT MASTERSThe Input Masters and Output Masters pages provide a convenient location to adjust the
gains of all the inputs and outputs, in a virtual fader view. From the Galileo Map page, highlight
the desired masters section and press the Enter button or the Blue knob. Once in the Masters
page, use the Up and Down arrows or turn the Blue knob to scroll through the inputs and out-
Turning the Red knob will adjust the gain of that input or output in 0.1 dB steps, clockwise for
gain and counterclockwise for attenuation. Pressing and turning the Red knob will change the
gain in 1 dB steps.
NOTE: Alternately, for the Input Master page, pressing the Left and Right arrows
will also change the gain in 1 dB steps, and pressing the Up and Down arrows
will scroll among the inputs. For the Output Masters page, pressing the Up and Down
arrows will change the gain in 1 dB steps, and pressing the Left and Right arrows will
scroll among the outputs.
NOTE: In Input & Output Masters, pressing the Enter button while on a channel
will go to the Processing page for that channel.
Input Masters Page (Left) and Output Masters Page (Right)