Miele G 5910, G 5915 Before using for the first time, Welcome screen, Language, Clock format

Models: G 5910 G 5915

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Welcome screen

Before using for the first time

Welcome screen

￿Turn the dishwasher on ￿.

The Welcome screen shows when the washer is turned on for the first time.


The display changes automatically to the language setting.


Sprache ￿


￿ ceština




￿ dansk


￿ deutsch

OK ￿




￿Select the desired language and confirm with OK. The selected language is marked with a ￿ check.




Clock format

The display changes automatically to the clock format.



Clock Format

￿12 h clock

￿24 h clock ￿

OK ￿ ￿

￿Select the desired setting and confirm with OK.


Page 13
Image 13
Miele G 5910, G 5915 operating instructions Before using for the first time, Welcome screen, Language, Clock format