PreliminaryCopy 5/01/03 12
User OptionsSetting Description
TV Type Selects the type of TV. The LED panel will display the output
type you have selected.Defaults to 16:9.
Optionsare 16:9 (for wide screenTVs); 4:3 LETTERBOXor
4:3 PAN/SCAN (for normal TVs).
4:3 LETTERBOXfits High Definition programming onto your
screenby placingblack bars at the top and bottom of the
screen.4:3 PAN/SCAN fills the entire screen by croppingt he
left and right edges of enhanceddefinition widescreen
Output Selectst he video displayfor t he DVI and YPbPrcomponent
video outputs. The LED panel will display the format you have
selected.Defaults to 1080i.
Optionsar e1080i, 720p, 480p, or 480i.
SomeTVs can only support certain display formats. Check
your TV User Guid e for more inform ation. If you are not using
an HDTV, selectinga format other than 480i will cause the
on-screendisplay to go blank. If this happens you can still
viewyour settingson the LED panel to change the format back
to 480i.