23 Telephoneequipment
Observethe followingprecautions wheninstalling telephone modem equipment:
aNeverinstall telephonewiri ng during a lightning storm.
bNeverinstall telephonejacks i n a wet location unless the jack is spec ifically designed for wet
cNevertouch uni nsulated telephone wires or terminals unl ess the telephone lines have been
disconnected at the network interface.
dUsecaution wheninstalling or modifyingtelephone li nes.
24 Batteryusage
Notwithstandingan y information provided by Motorola in thi s manual regarding the use of
batteries,the end userassum es all responsibility and liability to use and disposeof batteries in
accordancew ith all applicable laws, rules and regulati ons. Motorola will not be liable to anyone for
theend user' s failure to use and/or dispose of batteries i n the proper manner and in accordance
withsuch l aws, rules and regulations, or for any defect contained inbatteries whichm aycause
injurydamage t o persons or property.
RegulatoryInformationFederalCommunications CommissionRadio and Television Interface Statement for a Class‘B’
Thisequipm ent has been tested and found to comply with the li mits for a Class B digital device,
pursuantto part 15of the FCC Rul es. These limits are designed to provide rea sonable protection
againstharm ful interference in the residential instal lation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiateradio fr equency energy and, if not installed and us ed in accordance with the instructions, m ay
causeharm ful interference to radio communications. How ever, there is no guarantee that interference
willnot occ ur in a particular installation.
Ifthe equipm ent does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionr eception, which can be
determinedb yturni ng the equipment off and on, the user i s encouraged to try to correct the interferenc e
byone of the foll owing measures:
•Increasethe separ ation between the equipment and the affected r eceiver
•Connectthe equi pment on a circuit different from the one the r eceiver is on
•Ensurethat the c over plate for the security card is sec ured and tight
Changesor modi fication not expressly approved by the part yr esponsible for compliance could void the
user’sauthorit yto o perate the equipment.
Declaration of ConformityAccordingto 47 CF R, Parts 2 and 15 for Class B Personal Com puters and Peripherals; and/or CPU
Boardsand Power Suppl ies used with Class B Personal Computers, Motorola, Inc., 6450 Sequence
Drive,San Diego , CA 92121, 1-800-225-9446, declares undersole res ponsibility that the product
identifies with 47 CFR Part 2 and 15 of the FCC Rules as a Cl ass B digital device. Each product
marketedis i dentical to the representative unit tested and found t o be compliant with the standards.
Recordsm aintained continue to reflect the equipment being pro duced can be expected to be within the
variationacc epted, due to quantity production and testing on a s tatistical basis as required by 47 CFR
2.909.Operation is subjectto the fol lowing condition: This device mus t accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation. T he above named party is responsible for
ensuringthat the equipmentcom plies with the standards of 47 CFR, Paragraph s 15.101 to 15.109. The
ClassB digi tal apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interface Causing Equipment