The icon of the main menu feature currently in use always appears in the top left of the status icon rows. For a list of the main menu icons, see “Main Menu Options” on page 36.
Text Display Area
On the Ready screen, the text displayed in this area is determined by your wireless communications provider. When you access other screens, this area displays menu options, messages, names, phone numbers, and other information.
The number of lines of text displayed in the text display area depends on which display view is selected — Standard view, Compressed view, or Zoom view. (For more information, see “Setting Text Display” on page 145.) In Standard view, five lines of text are displayed.
NOTE: Standard view is the default display setting. Unless otherwise noted, illustrations in this User’s Guide depict Standard view.
Call Information Icons
Each of the following icons appear on the left side of the text display area providing you with information about your phone’s line or lines.
Icon | Indicates... |
D | In Call - phone is on an active call. |
E | Incoming Call - phone is receiving an |
| incoming call. |
X | Outgoing Call - phone is placing an |
| outgoing call. |
z | On Hold - phone has a call on hold. |
? | End Call - phone has ended the active call. |
Menu Icon
This menu icon S appears on any screen from which a menu can be accessed. To access a menu, press the menu key on your keypad. This key has the menu icon printed on it.