9To send the message, press A under Send.


If Send is not one of your options: Press m. Select Send.

Replying to a Message

You can reply to a received message while you are viewing it. If you have already viewed a message, you can also reply to it while it is highlighted in the message center. You cannot reply to unread messages.

For information on viewing received messages, see “Receiving a Message” on page 86 and “Viewing Received Messages From the Message Center” on page 87.

When you reply to a message you received, some of the fields in your reply message are filled in automatically:

To — the phone number or email address of the sender of the message you are replying to. If you are sending a reply to all, some recipients may be in this field.

Message — the first 40 characters of the message you are replying to. Text you add to the body of your message appears above this.

Subject — “Re:” followed by the subject line of the message you are replying to, if any.

Creating and Sending Messages

Cc — If you are sending a reply to all, some recipients may be in this field.

To reply to a message:

1View the message you want to reply to. -or-

If you have already viewed the message, scroll to it.

2To reply to the sender only, press A under Reply. -or-

To reply to the sender and all recipients: Press m. Select Reply All.

3A list of short phrases is displayed. Select any of these phrases to add it to the body of your messages. -or-

Select [Create Reply] to begin the body of your message without using any of these phrases.

4Edit any message fields you want to change.

5Send the message.

Tip: To create new reply phrases to use in later reply message, see “Customizing MMS” on page 91.


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Motorola i615 manual Replying to a Message