Compact Mode
•Pressing in the
•Pressing the Change View button in the
•Selecting ‘View Compact’ from the contextual menu
When the user switches to Compact mode, the main window will be shown in Compact mode. The detailed setup screen mode will be unaffected. This means:
•In Disconnect mode: if you have the Setup window open, the window will remain open
•In Connected mode: if you have the Details window open, the window will remain open
When the main area is compacted, the following functionality is available:
•All common functionality
•Mode specific functionality
•‘Disconnect’ and ‘Details’ in Connected mode
•‘Connect’ and ‘Setup’ in Disconnect mode
To compact the main window, click the far left arrow button. To expand the main window click the far left arrow button again.
Switching back to Normal Mode
You can return to normal mode by:
•Pressing the Change View button in the
•Selecting View Compact from the contextual menu
change view button