6 Using the Windows Mobile Programs
Pocket MSN
3Tap Sign In.
If you already use MSN Messenger on your computer, your contacts will show up on
your device without being added again.
NOTE: To sign in after connecting to a wireless network, tap Menu > Options >
Messenger, then follow the directions on the screen.
To work with contacts:
The MSN Messenger screen shows all of your messenger contacts at a glance, divided
into Online and Not Online categories. From this view, while connected, you can chat,
send an e-mail, block the contact from chatting with you, or delete contacts from your list
using the pop-up menu.
•To see others online without being seen, tap Menu > My Status > Appear
•If you block a contact, you appear offline but remain on the blocked contact
•To unblock a contact, tap and hold the contact, then tap Unblock on the
pop-up menu.
To chat with contacts:
1 To open a chat window, tap a contact name.
2 Enter your message in the text entry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My
Text to enter a preset message.
3Tap Send.