7 Using Phone
Phone preferences
12 Tap OK > Yes.
To delete a phone profile:
1 Tap a profile setting.
2Tap Menu > Delete.
3Tap Yes > OK.

Phone preferences

You can configure most features of the phone function to suit your preferences. You do
this by accessing the Phone option under Settings.
To access Phone settings:
On the Dialer screen, tap Menu > Options.
- or -
From any other screen, tap > Settings > Personal tab > Phone .
The Phone Settings screen has four tabs—Phone, Services, Network, and
Band. Refer to the following sections for the configuration options available
for each tab.

Phone tab

Configure sound and security settings in this tab.
NOTE: Before proceeding with the configuration, make sure Phone is turned on.
To configure ring type, ring tone, and keypad sounds
1 Turn on Phone .
2 In the Sounds option, tap the pick list for each field, then select your choice from the
drop-down list.
Ring Type Ring Tone Keypad Sounds