8 Using MC35 Companion Programs
Media-related programs
To configure the options for capturing bar codes:
1 On the CamWedge menu, select Barcode > Options.
2 Tap the “Flashlight” check box to enable the flashlight when capturing bar code
3 Tap the “Press and Hold Trigger” check box causes the device to stop the bar code
decoding session when the Camera button is released. If disabled, the bar code
decoding session continues until a bar code is decoded or the Scan Timeout is
4 In the “Scan Timeout” box, enter the scan timeout in milliseconds. If no bar code is
decoded the scanner stops decoding after the given Scan Timeout elapses.
5 In the “Profile” drop-down box, select a bar code symbology. The profile selected
determines which bar code type to decode.
6Tap ok.

Test Window

The Test window displays information processed from the data captured by the MC35.
This window is typically used to ensure that the captured data is being transmitted as
expected. When the CamWedge screen is closed, normal operation resumes sending
any captured data to the foreground application.
To open the Test window:
1 On the CamWedge menu, select Test.
The Test window includes a button to toggle the data capture format between
hexadecimal and text and a menu bar with all of the CamWedge functions.