Board Level Hardware Description
operate at synchronous bit rates up to 64k bits per second. It uses RXD, CTS, DCD, RTS, and DTR. It also interfaces to the synchronous clock signal lines. Refer to the MVME197LE, MVME197DP, and MVME197SP Single Board Computers Programmer’s Reference Guide for drawings of the serial port interface connections.
All four serial ports use
The interface provided by the PCCchip2 allows the
The CD2401 supports DMA operations to local memory. Because the CD2401 does not support a retry operation necessary to break VMEbus lock conditions, the CD2401 DMA controllers should not be programmed to access the VMEbus. The hardware does not restrict the CD2401 to onboard DRAM.
Printer Interface
The MVME197LE has a
Ethernet Interface
The 82596CA is used to implement the Ethernet transceiver interface. The 82596CA accesses local RAM using DMA operations to perform its normal functions. Because the 82596CA has small internal buffers and the VMEbus has an undefined latency period, buffer overrun may occur if the DMA is programmed to access the VMEbus. Therefore, the 82596CA should not be programmed to access the VMEbus.
Every MVME197LE module is assigned an Ethernet Station Address. This address is $08003E2XXXXX, where XXXXX is the unique
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