Functional Description | 1 |
Functional Description
The following sections contain a functional description of the major blocks on the MVME197LE single board computer.
Front Panel Switches and Indicators
There are two
When enabled by software, the ABORT switch (S2) generates an interrupt at a
The six LEDs on the MVME197LE front panel are: FAIL, SCON, RUN, LAN, VME, and SCSI.
1.The yellow FAIL LED (DS1) is lit when the BRDFAIL signal line is active.
2.The green SCON LED (DS2) is lit when the VMEchip2 is the VMEbus system controller.
3.The green RUN LED (DS3) is lit when the MC88110 bus MC* pin is low.
4.The green LAN LED (DS4) lights when the LAN chip is the local peripheral bus master.
5.The green VME LED (DS5) lights when the board is using the VMEbus or when the board is accessed by the VMEbus.
6.The green SCSI LED (DS6) lights when the SCSI chip is the local peripheral bus master.