StockBoss Interactive for PageWriter/Timeport User’s Guide
After account information has been entered, and each subsequent time the application is launched, the full menu will appear.
5. Quote Portfolio
If this is the first time the application is run, it is recommended that you request a Portfolio Update. If you already have a StockBoss account, then the Update request will return the current prices and add all existing stocks to the portfolios stored on the pager. If you do not yet have an account the pager will send information to the StockBoss server that will enable a new trial account.
The “Go” button will place a message in the Read module outbox folder which is addressed to the StockBoss servers. Wait for the portfolio update message to be returned before proceeding. If you are creating a new trial account you will also receive a welcome message with your account ID and password to the StockBoss servers. If you are in an area of good coverage, this should normally take 2 minutes or less.
Portfolio Updates may be requested at will, 24 hours a day.
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