Call Timers provide a useful means of monitoring the
Each timer begins counting as a cellular channel is assigned, or when the phone rings to signal an incoming call. If an incoming call is not answered, the timers revert to their previous values.
I n d i v i d u a l C a l l T i m e r
To Display
1. Press ‰, £, £.
This timer accumulates the
It automatically resets before a new call is placed and when the phone is turned off.
R e s e t t a b l e C a l l T i m e r
To Display
1.Press ‰, £, £, £.
To Reset
1.Press Ï, ‚, ‡, Ç.
This timer accumulates the
This Resettable Timer is generally utilized as a guide to track monthly
C u m u l a t i v e C a l l T i m e r
To Display
1. Press ‰, £, £, £, £.