useful when searching for a specific number in memory when you are not certain of its location.
1.Press ‰, then the memory location where you wish to begin your review. The location number and digits stored will appear in the display. The appearance of an apostrophe ( /) following the location number confirms that you have enabled memory scrolling.
2.Press £ to scroll forward through the items.
3.Press • to scroll backwards.
NOTE: ≤and ≥ may also be used to scroll forward and backward, respectively.
At any time while scrolling, you may place a call to the displayed number by pressing Í.
NOTE: Memory Scrolling can be performed during a call. Pressing
´while scrolling during a call extinguishes the apostrophe (/) and cancels scrolling, but does not terminate the call.
R e c a l l i n g L a s t N u m b e r C a l l e d
1.Press ‰, ‚, ‚, the display will show the last number called.
2.To place a call to this number, press Í.
R e c a l l i n g A r e a C o d e / P r e f i x ( P o s t s c r i p t i n g )
You can add additional digits to the end of recalled numbers by entering them before pressing Í. This is particularly useful if you often place calls to the same area code and prefix.
2.Add additional digits as needed.
3.Press Í.
T u r b o D i a l ™
Turbo Dial is the fastest method of dialing. The digit keys ¤ through · provide an advanced form of Super Speed Dialing.