If your party gives you another number to call, simply enter it from the keypad. If you make an error, press Ç to erase the last digit entered or hold Ç to erase the entire entry.
Advise your party that they will hear tones as you store the num- ber. To call the Scratch Pad number at the end of an outgoing con- versation, press ´, Í.
T o n e D i a l i n g ( T w o - P a r t C a l l i n g )
Your telephone provides the standard Dual Tone
To Tone Dial from the keypad, make the initial call. Append addi- tional tone digits using the keypad. The tones are automatically sent as you press the keys. Do not press Í.
To Tone Dial from a memory location, place the initial call. Recall from memory (using ‰,
•Memory Linking is used when constant number sequences are required, such as banking inquiries, answering machines, and voice mail.
P a u s e D i a l i n g ( M e m o r y L i n k i n g )
1.Enter the first group of numbers from the keypad or recall them from memory by pressing ‰ and the
2.Insert a pause by pressing Ï, Í. o will appear where the pause is inserted.
3.Enter the next group of numbers, or recall them from memory by pressing Ï, ‰ and the
4.Repeat this sequence for as many groups as you wish up to a