Problem | Solution |
My Personal | You can use the Contrast Setting |
Communicator’s | feature (see page 53) to change the |
display is too | level of contrast in your Personal |
dark. | Communicator display. |
| You can also use the Backlight feature |
| (see page 53). |
I am unable to | Try moving to a quieter location to make |
record a voice | your voice recording. Hold the Personal |
note or voice | Communicator about four inches (10 |
name. | centimeters) away from your mouth, |
| and speak directly into your Personal |
| Communicator’s microphone in a |
| normal tone of voice. |
I launched the | You may be in an area without service, |
or, you may be connected to a digital | |
but the display | network that does not support Internet |
says: Service Not | access. |
Available. |
I launched the | Try again in a few minutes. The servers |
may be temporarily busy. | |
but the display |
says: Data Server |
Unavailable. |