First, it is uncertain how to apply the results obtained in rats and mice to humans. Second, many of the studies that showed increased tumor development used animals that had already been treated with
For the past five years in the United States, the mobile phone industry has supported research into the safety of mobile phones. This research has resulted in two findings in particular that merit additional study:
1In a
When 20 types of glioma were considered separately, however, an association was found between mobile phone use and one rare type of glioma, neuroepithelliomatous tumors. It is possible with multiple comparisons of the same sample that this association occurred by chance. Moreover, the risk did not increase with how often the mobile phone was used, or the length of the calls. In fact, the risk actually decreased with cumulative hours of mobile phone use. Most cancer causing agents increase risk with increased exposure. An ongoing study of brain cancers by the