Stow Flashing: This is not an error but motors moving.

Find Flashing: Invalid Mode Dome and Skewable.

Find and Stow Flashing: Invalid Mode.

Peak Flashing: Motor Time Out. No counts Elevation.

Peak and Stow Flashing: Motor Time Out. No counts Azimuth.

Peak and Find Flashing: Motor Time Out. No counts Skew.

Peak, Find and Stow Flashing: Limit Error Elevation.

DVB Flashing: Limit Error Azimuth.

DVB and Stow Flashing: Limit Error Skew.

DVB and Peak Flashing: Only Main sat found.

DVB, Peak and Stow Flashing: Main sat not found but Secondary sat found.

DVB, Peak, Find and Stow Flashing: Signal lost NO LNB Power

Lock Flashing: No satellite found.

Lock and Stow Flashing: Over Temperature on Satellite Receiver.

Lock and Find Flashing: Dish did not raise high enough.

Lock, Find and Stow Flashing: Coax cables on backward.

Lock, Peak, Find and Stow Flashing: Could not find main sat after Skew.

Lock and DVB flashing: EEPROM failure.

Lock, DVB and Stow flashing: AGC Control Failure.

NOTE: Before calling Technical Support please perform a “Test Dish” and press “Find” one more time before calling.

Technical Support

- MotoSAT Customer/Technical Service(1-800-247-7486) - Available Mon- Fri 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.

Please have your MotoSAT Model # and Satellite Receiver Brand prior to calling Customer/Technical Support.


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MotoSAT Nomad 2 manual Technical Support, Error Codes are Flashing LED Lights AT 1 Second Intervals