Fiber Driver® EM316SW-XY
PN 1288003-001, Rev D2 4
2.2 Modes of Operation
The EM316SW-XY supports four different operational modes.
1. Dual Repeater (Fiber and Copper)
2. Dual Converter
3. Redundant Link
4. Switch (4-Port, mixed-media)
This section describes these modes and required DIP switch settings.
Select the operational mode with the DIP switches labeled MODE1 and MODE0, switches 5 and 6
on switch block 1 nearest the front panel of the module.
DIP Switches
Mode MODE1 MODE0 Port Grouping
Dual Repeater ON ON Fiber Repeater: ports P2 & P3
Copper Repeater: ports P1 & P4
Dual Converter ON OFF Converter 1: ports P1 & P2
Converter 2: ports P3 & P4
Redundant Link OFF ON Redundant: fiber optic ports P2 & P3
Local: copper port P1
Unused: copper port P4
Mixed-Media Switch OFF OFF All ports (P1, P2, P3, P4)