Fiber Driver® EM316SW-XY
PN 1288003-001, Rev D2 58 “select-link”
In Redundant Link mode, the “select link” command attempts to activate the target
redundant port, P2 or P3. If the selected port does not have an available link, then the other
redundant port is tried.
The module selects the first established SFP interface link, port P2 or P3, as the primary link.
The port not selected becomes the secondary (redundant) link which activates if the primary
link fails.
fiberdriver(port/1.3.2)# select-link?
select-link Select whether channel carries data
fiberdriver(port/1.3.2)# select-link ?
active Attempt to make this port active
standby Attempt to make this port standby
fiberdriver(port/1.3.2)# select-link active